The interface is now far more point & click with no (okay, few) arcane (to students) commands and it describes the step that has been performs.
Graphing is a lot easier (you can drag an expression onto a grid and it graphs!) and parameters can be automated with a click.
That, of course, is the easy part done. Now, the hard part:
- what questions do we ask to develop understanding, concepts, algorithms?
- how do we encourage exploration over presentation?
- how do we avoid an emphasis on calculation/algorithm/button pushing? This can't be just "better worksheets through CAS"
- how do we make the link between paper-pencil and CAS techniques?
- how do we strength understanding of equivalence (since CAS' representations differ)?
- how do we deal with the time factor? (student-centred takes more time)?
- are our teachers ready to deal with the mathematical conversation that will/should occur?
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